Monday, June 29, 2009

Summary of Sunday 5/28/09

Last Sunday the Mission team was very busy! We arrived at church at 8:30am, as we have been doing for many months now, for our Sunday morning prayer meeting and devotion time. Right after our meeting we rushed down to the sanctuary to practice our songs for Sunday worship, and then led worship with the help of Deborah for the Mandarin congregation. It was a huge blessing to be able to participate in the mandarin worship!

We also went up on stage for the English service as Pastor Nick introduced us and encouraged us with his GREEN tips. Many members of the english congregation came up to pray for us afterwards, which was very encouraging.

The lunch this Sunday was made by the parents, and all proceeds went to support our trip. We had a great time serving bubble tea, chicken, and various desserts during lunch. Great hustle, team. =)

Please continue to pray for us, we have less than 10 days left before we leave!


  1. wow this blog thing is exciting. i can keep up with the taiwan team in REAL TIME. make sure you guys continue to update!

    love all of you. i'll be praying for you throughout!--especially for unity, patience, and love. remember to lean on God--His understanding and wisdom makes even the wisest men seem foolish.

    God bless

  2. WAHH I am sooooooo excited for you guys! God is going to teach you things you couldn't even imagine. It is truly such a privilege to go on missions and you will be helped more than you help others. See you Saturday for craftstravaganza!
